shein coupon codes

Case Study: How Shein used coupons to grow their online business

You get to the checkout page and there is a space to enter a Shein coupon code. ‘Oh,’ you think to yourself, ‘I didn’t know they had coupons.’ A quick Google search later and you’ve found a coupon code that will get you 30% off, but you need to up the total value of the items in your shopping cart to $100. No problem, there were some shoes that you had looked at earlier but decided to pass on. With the discount they’d be almost free! A week later you get an email thanking you for your recent purchase, and here’s a special coupon just for you for 15% off any full price item. Well, you don’t really need anything but it sure would be a shame to just let that coupon go to waste. And besides, they did make it just for you! So you find a nice dress, you don’t need it now but it’s cute and besides that you are getting a deal! And just like that, Shein has convinced you to spend more on their website than you ever intended to in the first place.

The Psychology of Coupons

So, how did Shein accomplish the feat of parting you from more of your hard-earned money? Quite simple, they used the psychology behind coupons. Even though consumer habits have changed drastically over the last few decades with the advent of the shopping mall and then online shopping, coupons have remained a constant. Why is that? Well,… Read the rest
website navigation and go daddy promo codes

Improving Website Navigation & NordVPN Coupon Codes

The world of internet marketing and business online has become a bit of a minefield. The problem is online entrepreneurs are spending so much time trying to get people to their websites that they overlook the basic concept of keeping the customer there and ultimately leading them to a sale. A website, not dissimilar to a shop front, must be inviting and attractive but above all it must be easy to use. This is where website navigation comes into play.

An Offer from NordVPN: Promo Codes and Deals

If you are still in the process of securing the privacy of your online activity, I would definitely check out this NordVPN coupon code from NordVPN. I have always found their service to be very reliable, and they really do have some amazing introductory pricing.

Improving Website Navigation

There is nothing more frustrating than browsing a webpage and you can’t find your way to the product or service that brought you to the website in the first place. More often than not a customer that can’t be served quickly will simply go back to the search results and click on the next website in the list. In this article we are going to look at some simple rules you or your web designer should adhere to in order to keep your customers stress free.

Specific Navigation

The makeup of a website can vary greatly depending on the business. However, keeping your website navigation specific to the business and the reasons visitors are… Read the rest
social media marketing and hostpapa coupon codes

Drive Traffic to Your Website with Host Papa Coupons & Social Media Contests

It’s hard to resist a sweet prize or a free gift. Whenever a contest is announced, starts rushing to try their luck. If it doesn’t cost anything to enter besides a minute of your time, what do you have to lose? It feels good to emerge a winner, especially when the prize involved is lucrative. By that same measure, a lot of people will take a free gift even if it’s something that they might not have otherwise wanted. It’s free, so why not? Do you know that running contests on social media can boost your web traffic? Apart from multiplying your traffic, contests have the power of boosting the engagement rate. We are going to look at the surest ways of getting the best out of social media challenges.

Do a Coupon Giveaway: Try these ones from Enterprise

This is probably one of the simplest methods, simply find some working coupons and collect them on a page on your website. For example we found promo codes on Then you can post the link on various social media channels advertising ‘free coupons’. A lot of people will check it out from curiosity if nothing else, and then they might see what else you have on your website.

Gaining Traffic from social media contests

A message about a planned or ongoing contest on social media will attract different kinds of people. Even those who are not necessarily interested in your products (yet!) will come with the hopes of emerging winners.… Read the rest
online marketing guide for beginners

The Beginner’s Guide to Online Marketing

The online world can be very complicated, particularly when it comes to marketing your business. Where do you start? Which platform do you use? While the aim is to build relationships with customers, connecting with them online can be hard to accomplish when you’re focused on running your business. Therefore, take note of the following steps designed to bring clarity to the oft-confusing process of marketing your presence in the online sphere.

Develop a Consistent, Well-Thought-Out Brand & Website

To begin, consider your company’s branding and how it relates to what you wish to achieve. Are you a luxury business that offers premium products? Is there a color scheme associated with your products’ packaging? What type of messaging or slogans are important to your business? These combined elements will become key when you are developing your online presence, because when it comes to branding, the trick is consistency. You don’t want to confuse your target audience by exhibiting an inconsistent persona. Instead, ensure that your company’s ethos, slogans, logos and color schemes are applied consistently across all online and offline platforms. Make sure that your website is easy to use and consistent with the branding. By the way, if you are just getting started out many web hosts offer excellent savings for new clients. Check out, they can set you up with a basic Linux hosting package at a very reasonable price. I can’t stress enough how important it is to have a good website. Make sure that… Read the rest