social media marketing and hostpapa coupon codes

Drive Traffic to Your Website with Host Papa Coupons & Social Media Contests

It’s hard to resist a sweet prize or a free gift. Whenever a contest is announced, starts rushing to try their luck. If it doesn’t cost anything to enter besides a minute of your time, what do you have to lose? It feels good to emerge a winner, especially when the prize involved is lucrative. By that same measure, a lot of people will take a free gift even if it’s something that they might not have otherwise wanted. It’s free, so why not? Do you know that running contests on social media can boost your web traffic? Apart from multiplying your traffic, contests have the power of boosting the engagement rate. We are going to look at the surest ways of getting the best out of social media challenges.

Do a Coupon Giveaway: Try these ones from Enterprise

This is probably one of the simplest methods, simply find some working coupons and collect them on a page on your website. For example we found promo codes on Then you can post the link on various social media channels advertising ‘free coupons’. A lot of people will check it out from curiosity if nothing else, and then they might see what else you have on your website.

Gaining Traffic from social media contests

A message about a planned or ongoing contest on social media will attract different kinds of people. Even those who are not necessarily interested in your products (yet!) will come with the hopes of emerging winners.… Read the rest
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Social Media, Hosting Coupons and More Business Tips:

Your Business and Social Media

If you are not using social media to promote your business, you are denying your business another facet through which to develop. That being said, there are certain principles to which you should adhere on your quest to develop and maintain an online image. Here are three tips for promoting your business through social media:

Give Out Coupon Codes:

People love free stuff.  If you give your page’s followers coupons, they will find value in following your feed and engaging with your content. And best of all: it doesn’t have to be your coupons! You can give out promo codes for whichever niche your audience tends to be in. Try GoDaddy’s promo codes, which you can find for free here, and give them out. You can find free online promo codes for pretty much whatever merchant you want at DiscountGo.

Consistency in Your Brand Image

There are many social media platforms from which to choose today. Ensure that your brand image stays the same on every post across every platform. Bear in mind that marketing is as much about brand recognition as it is about getting the right information across to the right people.  Content may be worthy of shares, but it will do your conversion rates no justice if it cannot be swiftly and definitively related to your business.

Keep it Real

The first word in “social media” is the first thing that you should focus on. Like it or not, social media platforms… Read the rest